Wednesday, November 5, 2008


I commented on Lynn's Blog, Thyrston's Blog and Small Town Girl's Blog.

Monday, November 3, 2008

Blue Highway

In the third passage of Blue Highway Miz Alice describes the calmness of life on her island.  She speaks of her ability to tune-in with nature, and appreciate the small things in life.  By living in this way, it appears as though Miz Alice is able to avoid stress, and avoid the ever prominent obsession with material possessions.  For the time being, I think this is exactly what Heat-Moon needs to hear.  After everything that happened in his life, he needed a break.  But is this realistic as a permanent lifestyle?  Could other people really live this way?  

I think yes.  Although living on a somewhat secluded island would definitely not be for me, I think those that have the "gumption" to be different and live a more individual lifestyle should do so.  While we may find this to be somewhat strange and impractical, I'm sure they can say the same for those who choose to life in the middle of a loud, dirty, always moving city.  If these people choose to stay secluded, who are we to tell them that they "need" to join the real world?  

Halloween: Costumes or Lack There Of

"I'm a mouse, duh."  Everyone that has seen the movie "Mean Girls" knows this quote well.  As Karen walks into a Halloween party wearing nothing but lingerie, someone asks what he costume is.  Pointing to her mouse ears, the only indication that she is wearing a costume, this is her response.  In a movie, a scene like this is considered comical, but recently, this seems to be a reality.  

Walking around on October 30th and 31st, I saw a wide variety of costumes.  Some people "pulled a Karen," wearing barely there clothing that has a small indication of a theme, where-as others went all out in over-covered outfits that really did conceal their identity.  And then, of course, there were those in a happy medium, as well.  For the Karens in the world, I have one question: Why?  What makes you want to leave the house in a complete lack of clothing?  And did no one warn you that it wasn't appropriate?  Don't get me wrong, I understand that it's fun to wear somewhat suggestive costumes (for example, I was in a guy's t-shirt as Tom Cruise from "Risky Business" - not the most modest of costumes but still covered).  

Let me know, am I way off base?  Are my ideas of appropriate that different from others'?  

Sunday, November 2, 2008


I commented on Everything I'm Not Makes Me Everything I Am's Blog, A World Wide View's Blog, and Lauren Daniel's Blog